Final Submission
Manuscripts that had been accepted for publication in the Pakistan Journal of Cardiovascular Intervention should follow these guidelines only when the editor has asked the authors for final submission.
General information
Authors are recommended to follow the below-mentioned guidelines for final submission to speed up the manuscript processing after acceptance and to minimize potential errors.
Final text submissions
After acceptance, the following text must be rechecked before uploading. Complete tables and graphs with appropriate table and graph numbers, titles, legends, and all necessary supplementary information must be added to the text.
The corresponding author is responsible for rechecking that the file to be uploaded is accurate and it is the reviewed version of the accepted manuscript, and it is according to the final submission guidelines.
Manuscript Formatting
Authors are recommended to follow the instructions mentioned in the formatting guide for manuscript preparation.
Reference citations
Pakistan Journal of Cardiovascular Intervention follows the Vancouver style of referencing. For references, use superscript numerical citation style (e.g. warfarin is recommended for years13). The authors must ensure that the references are numbered in the reference list according to the same order they appear in the text. The reference list should be included in the manuscript file.
Formatting Details
In-text format
The structure of the research article preferred by the Pakistan Journal of Cardiovascular Intervention includes:
Title, Structured Abstract (including background, methodology, results, and conclusion), Keywords, Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Conflicts of interests, Acknowledgment, Funding Source, Reference section.
It should be times new roman with font size 12. Avoid using 'raised' or 'lowered' formats unnecessarily.
Page layout
We prefer a 1-inch margin from all sides and separate paragraphs by a single line spacing. Avoid inserting page breaks in the text at the end of each section.
The text, including graphs and tables, must be uploaded as a single file. However, the Graphics/illustrations should be uploaded separately as supplementary files and must be prepared according to the guidelines on figure preparation. Abbreviations should be explained in the footnotes. All graphs should be made in MS Excel, sent as a separate file, even if they are merged in the manuscript.
We may reduce or enhance the figure size, depending upon the space available. Authors may direct their requirement for the result display, but the final decision remains the editor's authority.
The authors are recommended to preserve the original and unprocessed data and metadata files of the submitted manuscript for later evaluation requirements. In case of the unavailability of the required files, the evaluation and publication process may be delayed until the issue is resolved. The final revised manuscript is recommended to be submitted with high-quality images with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.
After acceptance
After acceptance for publication, the Pakistan Journal of Cardiovascular Intervention holds all the rights to sub-edit the manuscript just to maintain the quality and journal format. After subediting, the final copy is sent to the authors for approval. This resolves all queries within the proof stage. This final subedited copy is a copy proof (PDF) of the final layout, including all textual material as well as the figures and tables, is sent to the corresponding author for checking before the paper is signed off for printing/online publication.
The corresponding authors are recommended to send the copy proof to all co-authors.
After the author’s approval, proofs are cycled between the production staff of the Pakistan Journal of Cardiovascular Intervention and then scheduled for publication.