Initial Submission

Manuscripts should be submitted through our online submission system. We recommend authors to follow the guidelines below when preparing their manuscripts. Prior to submission, please review our editorial policies on the CATHALOGUE website.

Cover Letter:

The cover letter remains confidential and is only accessible to the editors. It presents an opportunity for authors to disclose any conflicts of interest or provide details about any work that is already under press or submitted elsewhere. The cover letter should include the following:

Conflict of Interest: Authors should disclose any conflicts of interest within the cover letter.

Acknowledgment: Contributors who are not listed as authors should be acknowledged in the cover letter and not within the manuscript.

Funding Statement: Authors should declare the sources of funding for the research, confirming that there are no agreements with funding organizations that may have limited the completion of the research as planned.


During initial submission, incorporate figures within the manuscript in a single Word file. While high resolution is not necessary at this stage, figures should clearly present results and data in an understandable form for referees and readers. Upon acceptance, authors may be requested to provide more detailed and extensive files for improved display of results. Consider the following guidelines for final figure preparation:

  • Provide images in RGB color and at a resolution of 300 dpi or higher during final submission.
  • Use the same font style and size for titles of all figures, preferably "Times New Roman."
  • Ensure the visibility of each figure and use distinct colors.

Statistical Information:

Authors must provide detailed information regarding the statistical analysis, including the software used and the statistical tests applied. Error bars should be included in each figure, and significant and non-significant p-values should be indicated. For ANOVAs, provide F-values, and for t-tests, provide t-values along with degrees of freedom.

Supplementary Information:

Retain data files, calculations, and background details as supplementary information. These should be provided upon request by the editors. Authors must include a data availability statement within the methodology section.

Human Subject Data:

Research involving human subjects should adhere to the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki - Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects. Detailed information and informed consent related to human subjects should be submitted as supplementary files. Written informed consent from parents or guardians is required for studies involving children. In cases where obtaining written informed consent was not feasible, provide a detailed explanation. Thumb impressions are considered equivalent to written informed consent for illiterate participants. Studies involving occupational participants require permission from the employer. If laboratory animals were used, specify adherence to relevant official guidelines.

Related Manuscripts:

Authors should inform the editors if any related manuscripts are under consideration elsewhere or in press. In such cases, referenced documents may be requested.

Preprint Servers:

Our policy on preprint servers of research articles is as follows:

  • The original submitted version of the manuscript (pre-peer review) can be posted at any time. Authors are encouraged to disclose preprint posting details during manuscript submission.
  • We support and encourage the archiving of preprints in recognized, not-for-profit preprint servers such as arXiv, bioRxiv, or medRxiv.
  • There are no restrictions on the chosen license for posting a preprint version of the work.
  • Accepted Manuscripts should not be placed on preprint servers as the Version of Record is quickly produced after acceptance.
  • Upon publication of the article, add the following text to the preprint server: "This article has been published in [insert full citation] following peer review and can also be viewed on the journal’s website at [insert DOI]."


Authors are free to appeal a rejection, provided they have strong points that address the referees' and editors' comments and decisions. Reversal of the decision is possible if the editors are convinced by the argument.

Manuscript Submission:

Submit your manuscripts through our online submission system.


Manuscript Formatting General Specifications:

  • Use A4 size paper.
  • Maintain a 1-inch margin from all sides.
  • Use a 12-point font with 1.0 line spacing.
  • Use "Times New Roman" font throughout.
  • Spell out abbreviations and acronyms when they first occur.
  • Provide 3-5 keywords.
  • Avoid abbreviations in the title.
  • Provide a rationale for the study in the Introduction section.
  • Include tables and graphs in both the text of the research article and an MS Excel file.
  • Plot graphs using appropriate error bars (if applicable) on software like SPSS.
  • Do not incorporate bibliography from referencing software.
  • Ensure that at least 35% of references are from the last 5 years.